Don’t you sometimes dream about what could be…?

Diagram of Doughnut Economics
Image: Kate Raworth and Christian Guthier/The Lancet Planetary Health
Mobile Tea House, by Studio Kortmann 2011
mobile toilet for elderly that do not dare to go out,
by Studio Kortmann 2018

Grand ideas

Sometimes you have this fantastic grand idea, that could change the way we live our lives! Or perhaps you envision huge changes to the landscape that could save the environment. If you express these ideas, you bring them one step closer to reality. Because only if we share ideas, and reach out, it could be grand!

Small changes

Don’t you have these personal wishes and desires that can be small, but significant? It could be that you step up and become a community leader. Or you post your idea for your own neighbourhood or street. Or maybe you have a wish for someone else? Even if you have an idea for something beautiful, it could be great!

Smart solutions

We are all inventors. In our day to day lives, we encounter situations that call for smart solutions. Not smart in a digital sense perhaps, but smart in common sense. Why-did-I-not-think-of-that-before-?!-smart… Let us recalibrate the word smart. It can be electronic or digital, but it should be helping us. Olny then, it could be really smart!

We need you!

If your feel energized and ideas are popping up constantly, please consider sending in your idea. All ideas need to be for the common good, on this platform. It is about making our world better.

Got ideas to share?

Got time or resources?