About us

We are Theatre Group Powerboat and Studio Kortmann. We dream about big ideas and small ideas. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in a day to realise all ideas. Or we do not yet have the expertise or resources to make it happen. That is why we started this platform. To share ideas, and to dream of what could be…

Do you have an idea too?

You can join us, by sending in your idea. Perhaps we are able to partner up, find other partners or just have fun discussing the ideas. Please send us an e-mail: ihaveanidea@itcould.be

Do you have time and resources?

If you are enthusiastic about an idea on the platform, or you want to support the platform with expertise, time, materials, machines or money, you are more than welcome to partner up! Please send us an e-mail: ihaveresources@itcould.be